Shaykh al-Mufid criticizes al-Saduq for not maintaining taqiyya in his books

 Shaykh al-Mufid criticizes al-Saduq for ruling that taqiyya is obligatory and one cannot leave it before the rise of the Qa’im.

But at the same time, (al-Mufid notes), al-Saduq violated taqiyya by exposing his Shi’i beliefs in his lectures, gatherings, and books.

It makes one wonder: did Sh al-Mufid maintain taqiyya in some of his writings / books? If so, which books?

(Tashih I’tiqadat al-Imamiyya, page 138)

Abu Ja’far [al-Saduq] spoke about this topic (taqiyya) in general terms and did not go in details - as we clarified.

And he issued the rulings regarding taqiyya [being completely obligatory until rise of the Qa’im], despite not performing taqiyya - resulting in the loss of the purpose of taqiyya, and ruled in leaving what is obligatory in its meaning. 

For indeed, [the taqiyya was violated] when he exposed himself in what he believed from the haqq (truth) in his famous gatherings, his known maqamat, and his books that circulated in the horizons”.

وأبو جعفر أجمل القول في هذا (6) ولم يفصله - على ما بيناه - وقضى بما أطلقه فيه من غير تقية على نفسه لتضييع الغرض في التقية،وحكم بترك الواجب في معناها، إذ قد كشف نفسه فيما اعتقده من الحق بمجالسه المشهورة، ومقاماته التي كانت معروفة، وتصنيفاته التيسارت في الآفاق