Shaykh al-Saduq on Obligation of Tabarra from Abu Bakr & Umar

(Tahdheeb al-Ahkam by Shaykh al-Tusi, page 321)

We heard Aba Abdilah [al-Sadiq] while he was cursing - after the end of every obligatory prayer - four men and four women. 

The men being - al-Taymi [Abu Bakr, from tribe of Taym] and al-Adwi [Umar, from tribe of Banu Adi], and Fulan [Uthman], and Muawiyah. 

[The women being Fulana [Aisha], and Fulana, and Hind, and Um al-Hakam - sister of Muawiyah

* (1313) * 169 - محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن الحسين عن محمد بن إسماعيل ابن بزيع عن الحسين بن ثوير وأبي سلمة السراج قالاسمعنا أبا عبد الله عليه السلام وهو يلعن في دبر كل مكتوبة أربعة من الرجال وأربعا من النساء التيمي والعدوي وفعلان ومعاوية ويسميهموفلانة وفلانة وهند وأم الحكم أخت معاوية.

  • There are thus, 4 men and 4 women Imam al-Sadiq cursed after every period. This is Shaykh al-Saduq’s opinion on them, after mentioning ahadith of Rasul Allah on Sayyida Fatima - how whomever hurts her, has hurt him:

(Al-‘Itiqadat fi Din al-Imamiyyah, page 105-106)

And our belief in disassociation is that it’s obligatory from the 4 idols [Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Muawiyah) and from the 4 rivals [Aisha, Hafsa, Hind, Um al-Hakam]. And from whomever follows them. 

And that they [the idols and rivals] are the worst of Allah’s creation. 

And it would not be possible to acknowledge Allah and His Prophet and Imams, except from disassociation from their enemies. 

And our belief in the killers of prophets & Imams that they are kuffar mushrikeen, eternally abiding in the lowest abyss of hellfire. 

And whomever believes in them other than what we stated - he has no stake in the religion of Allah.”

واعتقادنا في البراءة أنها واجبة من الأوثان الأربعة ومن الأنداد الأربعة ومن جميع أشياعهم وأتباعهم، وأنهم شر خلق الله.

ولا يتم الاقرار بالله وبرسوله (1) وبالأئمة إلا بالبراءة من أعدائهم.

واعتقادنا في قتلة (2) الأنبياء وقتلة الأئمة أنهم كفار مشركون مخلدون في أسفل درك من النار.

ومن اعتقد فيهم غير ما ذكرناه فليس عندنا من دين الله في شئ (